miercuri, 7 octombrie 2009


La Grande Inter
C a t e n a c c i o

Finala cupei campionilor 1964 INTER - REAL MADRID 3-1 ( Mazzola 2 , Milani / Felo )

Inter prim 11 : Giuliano Sarti (portar) , Armando Picchi, Aristide Guarneri, Tarcisio Burgnich, Giacinto Facchetti, Carlo Tagnin, Luis Suarez, Mario Corso, Jair Da Costa, Sandro Mazzola, Aurelio Milani.

Finala cupei campionilor 1965 INTER - BENFICA 1-0 ( Jair )
Inter prim 11 : Giuliano Sarti (portar), Armando Picchi, Aristide Guarneri, Tarcisio Burgnich, Giacinto Facchetti, Gianfranco Bedin, Jair Da Costa, Sandro Mazzola, Joaquin Peiro, Luis Suarez, Mario Corso.

In anii 60 echipa condusa de Helenio Herrera facea furori castigand de 2 ori la rand Cupa Campionilor . Echipa este de asemenea cunoscuta pentru suprematia lor in Seria A in timpul anilor 60 cand a castigat de 7 ori Lo Scudetto.
Ce este CATENACCIO? din start dupa denumirea lui italiana ( in italiana catenaccio inseamna lacat) ne dam seama ca este vorba despre cel mai cunoscut sistem defensiv care a existat vreodata…acest catenaccio a fost implementat de italieni la inceputul anilor 60 acestia vazindu-l in Elvetia la un antrenor pe nume KARL RAPPAN. Primul tehnician italian care a implementat acest sistem se numea GIPO VIANI care a impus la AC Milan acest tip de aparare iar succesori lui …Nereo Rocco dar mai ales argentinianul Helenio Herrera (antrenor la inter ) l-au adus, l-au perfectionat facandu-l o religie in Italia. Catenaccio se bazeaza pe consolidarea apararii cu scopul contracararii jocului ofensiv al adversarului dar si cu scopul pregatirii unor contraatacuri devastatoare.

FOR FOREGIN VISTORS (English version) :
The key innovation of Catenaccio was the introduction of the role of a libero, or sweeper, a player positioned behind the line of three defenders. The sweeper's role was to recover loose balls, nullify the opponent's striker and double-mark when necessary. Another important innovation was the counter-attack, mainly based on long passes from the defence. In Herrera's version in the 1960s, four man-marking defenders were tightly assigned to each opposing attacker while an extra sweeper would pick up any loose ball that escaped the coverage of the defenders. The emphasis of this system in Italian football spawned the rise of many top defenders such as Claudio Gentile and Gaetano Scirea in the 1970s, Giuseppe Bergomi and Franco Baresi in the 1980s, the famous all-Italian Milan defensive four of Baresi, Paolo Maldini, Alessandro Costacurta and Mauro Tassotti of the 1990's and 2006 World Cup winners Fabio Cannavaro and Alessandro Nesta and many others in 2000s for which the Italian national team would become famous for.